Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Monitoring Mania

I am already feeling like my car could literally drive itself to Shady Grove. This morning, I woke up and headed town the PA Turnpike once more for an appointment. I was supposed to go yesterday, but due to Hurricane Sandy's arrival, Shady Grove pushed my appointment back a day. 

The office still had no power today, but they did have strong generators which enabled the essential machines to work. I had bloodwork and an internal ultrasound to check out my egg stash. 

For the past few days, I have been feeling slight cramping, almost like bloating, on my left side. The Follistim and Menipur are working; I have eleven eggs on my left ovary and three on my right. 

Dr. Sasson said it looks good but he would like my eggs to be a bit larger and more numerous. He is increasing the Menipur from 75iu to 125iu. 

I head back for another monitoring appointment Friday and then another on Sunday. 

I asked Dr. Sasson if he could ballpark the egg retrieval and the embryo transfer dates. He estimated that retrieval would be next Wednesday or Thursday (11/7 or 11/8) with the embryo transfer the following Sunday or Monday (11/11 or 11/12). 

Side note: Sorry if today's post is a bit jumbled. As I sit to quickly jot down the past days' events, I am constantly jumping up to head to the door to great trick-or-treaters! Tonight is our first Halloween on Grampian. It is so fun to see so many families come out in this area. Even though I am not a huge fan of Halloween, I love seeing so many families out together! Perhaps next year we will have a chubby baby to dress up in some hysterical costume... We will see! 

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