Tuesday, December 18, 2012

'Tis the Season

'Tis the Season... for laziness! I apologize; I have not posted in over a week. I have a lack of ambition when it comes to basically anything. It is so weird! Normally, I can be compared to a tornado, constantly moving and aggressively working to wipe out my to-do list.

For about the last week, I have napped almost every day. For me, this is extremely strange. I am not a napper! And what's even more crazy is that I don't even intend to nap; I sit down on the couch and in less than five minutes, I'm out!

My nausea is still hanging around; I don't really feel hungry for anything. This friends, might be the biggest change of all! I am such a foodie. I start thinking about what delicious meal I plan to make for dinner at around 10 AM. With regard to Christmas meals, I usually start dreaming about prime rib and shrimp at the beginning of November. Now, even as I type, the typing of the word shrimp makes me scrunch up my nose in disgust. What is going on here!?

Just to solidify my point about my laziness: it's 4:19 PM and I am still in my pjs. Yes, this was one productive day. However, I do not want to complain; this is the best nausea I've encountered in my entire life! And, I've never heard of anyone dying from too many naps.

We had another check in with Dr. Sasson on Friday. The second ultrasound was even more fun because the baby doubled in size in just a week. The very second Dr. Sasson turned on the machine, we were able to see the "blob" on the screen. Hearing and seeing the heartbeat again solidified the truth that there is something in there!

We head back to Shady Grove this Friday for one final visit. It is bittersweet for sure. I have grown so attached to Dr. Sasson and the staff at Shady Grove, yet I am thrilled to be at the point where we are "graduating" from that clinic.

Chris and I were talking about what we could give to Dr. Sasson and the nurses as a thank-you. What do you give to people who have given you such a gift? I have a difficult time even expressing my thanks verbally let alone a tangible gift.

In the same moment, I think about my Heavenly Father who orchestrated it all, the mastermind behind IVF and our journey to parenthood. What can I give Him? How can I praise Him enough for the joy that He has allowed us to experience this Christmas?

I can give Him Baby Knipe. I promise to raise this child to have a heart for God and to glorify Him in all things. That pledge is about the best that I can offer.

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