Saturday, April 13, 2013

Childbirth Class: Sitcom or Soap Opera?

Because our calendar is pretty full in May and June, we decided to venture out for a childbirth class a bit early. I clearly had the smallest baby bump in the crew, as at 24 weeks, Chris and I looked like super  over-achievers compared to the 35-40 week pregnant "couples" (I use the term loosely-- will explain) in the room.

We had the option of taking the class in chunks, every Tuesday for six weeks. Or, we could get it all completed in one eight-hour, Saturday session. We chose the later option, and although it was a long day, I am glad to be able to check it off the list.

As we walked into the hospital and found the room, I was telling Chris about how my parents met some of their best friends in childbirth class! I was excited to meet other couples who were experiencing pregnancy and generally, looking forward to the day.

The "couples" in our Saturday class were a diverse group. We felt like we were the oldest couple, at 28 years old. It was strange. Added to that was the fact that there were only a few married couples and the rest were either young women with a friend or family member there as a coach, or partners whom, upon first glance, did not appear to be married (or thrilled to be there, for that matter!). 

We sat down and within ten minutes, heard the "couple" behind us fighting with each other. Anger and agression were palpable as they muttered insults back and forth to each other (all the while, we were supposed to be watching a natural childbirth video. Holy candidness!). I use the terms 'husband' and 'wife' loosely as I outline a part of their conversation Chris and I overheard:

Wife : "I knew you cheated on me. I checked your phone."

Husband: "I am sick and tired of you looking though my phone."

Wife: "We are married now. I'm allowed."

Husband: "Well, I only cheated on you to get even. You of all people should not talk about cheating!"

I am not making this up! A heated exchange from a couple due to welcome their child into the world next week. I kept thinking that we were on Candid Camera or something. While aspects of it were comical, considering the environment (imagine the instructor trying to get us all to relax and breath while the couple were visible not wanting to be anywhere near each other), it was so sad. I just kept thinking: Why do they get to be parents? So many couples want children. So many couples would provide a better, more loving environment than this couple appeared to be able to provide. 

Other than the crazy couple, Chris and I did learn some good tips and insight that we didn't know before. It was a profitable day, a day that once again solidified that we were pregnant! The class also reminded me of the awesome partner I have in Chris. I wouldn't want anyone else with me through this process! 

I don't have a great 24 week photo, but I took this one this morning for posterity's sake. Note: My go-to t-shirts are getting a bit tight, but all in all, I continue to feel great. I love being pregnant right now. Here's to hoping the feeling good continues! 

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